Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Plan

Please refer to previous posts "The PEACE Plan", "5 Global Giants" and "The Solution" prior to reading this post so that it makes sense.

The following content is a summary of what Rick Warren has laid out in his global peace plan.
The PEACE Plan is what Jesus did and this is how we can continue His strategy:

1. Plant & Partner with Churches (to address the Giant of Spiritual Emptiness)
- Most 501c3 organizations in the past 50 years exist because the local churches weren't doing what they should have been doing. This is due to the fact that much of the talent and expertise would go outside of the local church because churches didn't understand how to work with an entrepreneurial spirit or because the local church was too slow. Ministries such as Young Life, Campus Crusaders, Billy Graham Evangelism, World Vision, and the like were started because the local church wasn't reaching these needs groups effectively. In fact, history records over the past 50 years that most of the major accomplishments in these areas were NOT made by the local church but rather by these great organizations that were out on the battlefields doing the work.
Churches in past have taken a posture of saying, "We will pray, pay and stay out of the way." And so not to discredit the work of these organizations - but these accomplishments are only a drop in the bucket to what could be done. All of our agencies combined could not get it done - haven't even come close - this is because the VAST MAJORITY of believers (99% of them) sit in the pews doing nothing in these areas. We are not going to solve the world's greatest problems when 99% of the workforce is unmoved and immobilized. We have to figure out how to get the average person in the average pew involved, this is the beginning of P.E.A.C.E.

Technology has changed what it means to be missional, because now through the power of email, Internet, satellite, broadcast, etc. - ordinary people can be global Christians. Encourage each member of our churches to experience PEACE on a personal-level, local-level, cross-cultural-level and a global-level just once. If they do it just once, they'll be hooked - and how could they not?

The missions strategy of the 20th century has been first pray, then study, then give and then maybe someday go. Well Rick would suggest that we should adopt a new missions strategy for the 21st century that is first go. Don't pray, don't study, don't give - just go! Then come back and you'll want to pray, you'll want to study and you'll want to give.

As recorded in Romans 15:20 and I Corinthians 3:8 it only takes a day or two to plant a church. What global impact would be made for the kingdom if every church had a baby? The mark of physical maturity is the ability to reproduce. The mark of spiritual maturity is having a baby. A church that has not parented another church is still an immature church.

2. Equip Servant Leaders (to address the Giant of Corrupt Leadership)
- Refer to 2 Timothy 2:2.
- Teach others to be others-centered and then "pass it on".

3. Assist the Poor (to address the Giant of Extreme Poverty)
- Refer to 1 John 3:17, James 1:27 and Proverbs 19:17.

4. Care for the Sick (to address the Giant of Pandemic Diseases and Care for those who Suffer)
- Refer to Luke 6:36

5. Educate the Next Generation (to address the Giant of Illiteracy and Lack of Education)
- Refer to Psalm 78:6-7 and Proverbs 22:6

Agencies and organizations have been doing PEACE for years, the only change we make is how it is done and who is doing it. It's time to turn the tables and set them properly. The local church will be in the battlefields doing the work while the organizations support them.

We must move the local church from self-consumerism to unselfish-contribution. We need to teach our members to serve God by serving others. Faithfulness to Christ means taking risks, just read the parable of the talents and you'll see that Jesus despised the one who "played it safe."

We must ask ourselves what God could do through us if...
...we didn't care who gets the credit...
...we didn't care about our reputation...
...we didn't care about getting rich...
...we didn't care about getting criticized...

PEACE is a grassroots church-to-church strategy, helping churches around the world to make a difference together. Through PEACE, local congregations will become the heroes. Because of their location, motivation, longevity and credibility - local churches are the only grassroots organizations that can effectively address the five evil giants.

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