Thursday, October 18, 2007

We Are Your Church

This is a new song that I wrote the other day about being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. As Bill Hybel's says, "The local church is the hope of the world."
We Are Your Church

We are your church, the body of Jesus
And we’ll be your hands, to a world that needs us
Justice and mercy, compassion and love

These are things we strive for, Lord
A cup of cold water for the dry and the thirsty

Help us to be your hands

You told us to go and change the nations
Share the Good News, tell of your salvation
Justice and mercy, forgiveness in love

These are the thing you offer to us
The way to the Father for the wayward orphan

Help us to be your feet

So we must go and change the world

So we must go and change the world
So we must be your hands and feet

So we must be your hands and feet

Thanks so much for reading my song!

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