Monday, November 5, 2007

Making a Global Impact, Locally

This past Saturday the choir from Riverside Community Church met for the morning to impact the world here in Pittsburgh. We took a ride downtown to the World Vision Gifts in Kind warehouse in Sewickley (right outside of Pgh) to volunteer with the sorting of a shipment of clothing. We at Riverside have been sending various volunteers and small groups to the warehouse over the past year (mostly on Saturday mornings) to volunteer our time - in some small way - to make a difference all over the world. Each time we are able to sort thousands of pieces of clothing, books, supplies, etc. In other words- a 3-hour commitment at the warehouse with 10-20 volunteers on any given Saturday morning will literally affect thousands of people across the world.

World Vision is a very large organization, and we've not only finacially supported them but we've been able to support them with resources and volunteers. World Vision at any given time is at work in over 100 countries. They have ongoing community development programs, sponsorships and temporary disaster relief efforts. For more information on the Gifts in Kind warehouse in Pittsburgh, visit

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