Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Life - The Album

Well I have had a dream in my heart for about ten years now and that is to make a very high quality full length solo album. This will be my first solo album of all original songs that I have written over the years. The theme and title of the album will be "One Life" and will be about loving God and loving others. The heartbeat of this album will be about God's church being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the least, the last and the lost in our world and in our generation.

I have gone from writing songs, planning the theme, putting together the mission that some proceeds will benefit and am now heading towards the exciting part - signing on with a producer, recording the music, publishing the album and touring to both get the message of my music out to the world as well as raising awareness and support for the selected mission project that this album will be dedicated to.

So please keep me in prayer - it is quite an undertaking and I hope to have a finished project in all of your hands by Christmas! Keep in touch via the blog, facebook and my music site for more info, demos and updates.

Links are:
www.DaveLongstreth.blogspot.com (blog)
www.facebook.com/dmlongstreth (facebook)
www.DaveLongstrethMusic.com (my music site)

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