Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monthly Informational & Prayer Gathering

Each month we gather to get updates and the latest important information on the missions of Riverside Community Church. We spend time reviewing reports and prayer requests for regional, national and global RCC supported missions. Opportunities to serve in missions are also given at these meetings.

If you have any interest in reaching outside the four walls of our church through community service, national disaster relief efforts or global world-change - then we urge you to come be a part of this monthly gathering. We spend about a half an hour sharing news, updates and upcoming opportunities, answering questions and taking suggestions and then we conclude with a time of focused prayer for each of these areas of mission. This is a casual atmosphere and all are welcome. Please contact Dave Longstreth for more information or just show up at our next gathering.

Where & When
RCC - Room 105
Sunday, January 13th
6:00 - 7:00 PM

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