Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blogging at EPIC Until Next Year

I will be putting this blog on hold until the start of the new year. Currently I am blogging at so take a stroll over there and check it out..

Dave Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Themes, Lyrics, Prayers and Exhortations

Next time you worship corporately, I challenge you to pay closer attention to some of the elements of worship such as the set theme, song lyrics, transitional prayers and exhortations from the platform (and in some charismatic circles from the "crowd"). Sometimes a worship leader will design a set of songs based around a certain theme or interweaving themes. For example, this past weekend I led a set of songs based around the theme of Creation since we were talking about Creation that day. So three songs that made up that theme were How Great Thou Art, Creation Calls and Your Beloved. It sometimes helps to get a sense of the theme which can add much more impact to your time of worship. It's seeing the big picture.

Lyrics are a very powerful part of the corporate worship service. The poetic flow of a song can really help the human spirit express deeper thoughts, devotion, prayers and praise. Take an old familiar hymn Amazing Grace for example, the simple thought is that we've been saved but the poet and author of the song expressed it as Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see. Lyrics can be very powerful and help put more depth and emotion to the thoughts that we sing about.

Prayers during times of transition within the musical part of a worship set can also help us to draw deeper meaning from our times of corporate worship. A transitional prayer can be done by the worshipper as a private conversation between them and God or it can be led by someone on the platform. This prayer usually takes the theme or a specific part of the song that was just sung and applies it to the worshipper's life. An example of this is praying a prayer to ask God to help us to not just sing songs but to be compelled to move into action as a further expression of our worship (which could be prayed after the song God of Justice.

Finally, exhortations are mini-sermons, thought-provoking statements or just simple encouragement and edification to help worshippers draw deeper and closer to God during the time of corporate worship. I don't always feel the need to give an exhortation, but more times than not I share at least one small thought if not a few more words to help connect the congregation. Exhortations can be planned if you like that sort of thing, but the ones I give are usually spontaneous (at least for the first worship service). Exhortations can range from testimony, to personal reflection or devotions, to Scripture application to challenging the congregation to some standard or calling. Exhortations aren't meant to take the place of the teaching or preaching, but rather help people connect during a time of corporate worship through music and the arts.

New Blog Series: How to Worship Corporately
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Step Into Africa - A World Vision Event

We will be taking a trip to Sewickley for the WV AIDS Exhibit. We'll meet in the parking lot of RCC Oakmont Campus at 5 and return by 9 on Saturday, Oct 4th. FREE admission however tickets need to be ordered so RSVP to Dave Longstreth.

There are only 36 spots available. Sign up now..


Can you survive the journey of a child?

Come walk in the steps of a child living in an AIDS-affected commuity in Africa. This interactive exhibit features a stirring audio tour combined with captivating photography that will transport you to the heart of Africa. You'll gain a completely new perspective on the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time.

You can invite your friends, family, and neighbors to come see, hear, and experience the life of a child impacted by the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time: AIDS.

Learn more about the step into Africa exhibit by logging on to

If you are interested in volunteer information or becoming more involved, please email
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why does music play such an important role in corporate worship?

What is it about music that makes corporate worship so powerful? It's always been something that fascinates me, that's for sure. I remember as a kid singing those good old church songs like "Father Abraham" and "Deep and Wide". Do you remember those too?! The funny thing is that now my three year old daughter is learning some of those - and a few more that I didn't know. But at the same time she is learning some of the songs that us adults sing in church, too... And she loves them!

Music has always attracted me. In second grade I began playing the drums - I've always enjoyed rhythm and beating on whatever was closest to me (even my little sister on occasion). Then in seventh grade I picked up a guitar and began to teach myself how to play. It wasn't long before I left my young poet aspirations to begin writing songs. Then I began singing worship songs in my bedroom, closed away from everyone else - singing until my heart was full.

Music has the ability to reach into every part of our souls.
Words are great - a well spoken sermon has the ability to speak volumes to us. But music can go well beyond what the mere words of the song portray. Music is based on emotion and one of our senses - hearing - and sometimes even feeling. Some songs give us energy - like a good upbeat hand-clapping song with driving guitars and drums. Some songs help us proclaim truths such as a hymn with a driving beat that stands us up just a little taller when we sing it. And some songs take us away from our present circumstance through emotional strings/pads and haunting melodies. All in all - songs can work their way into the deepest parts of our being and attach themselves there to burst out in melody at just the right times.

Music inspires us to make decisions and move into action.
Once our hearts have been touched by both lyric and emotion of the song - we are more prone to make a decision and move into action. I think of songs that call us to mission, or call us to live holy lives. In the moment we are being touched by the Spirit of God - knowing that He is moving us toward Himself. From that moment we've been given the courage and the will to continue moving in that direction. And many times a season can be born. For me, I remember seasons that were captured in a single song. A certain song may have really spoken to my heart and I would listen to that song day in and day out for weeks at a time. They were times of change, times of moving into action.

Music has the power to change.
The ultimate goal of worship music is to lose ourselves and take on more of God's Spirit in our lives. As we draw closer to God through worship, we become more like Him. Music has always been the greatest catalyst of lasting change in my life. In my life change both begins and ends with music. Music puts the emotion of love with the commitment to love. That's a very important connection. Music has the ability to change hearts, then change minds - and even change the world.

How has music changed you?

How does music get into your deepest places?

Do you have a song in your heart right now?

New Blog Series: How to Worship Corporately
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New Blog Series: How to Worship Corporately

One thing is certain about corporate worship, it can be both powerful and intimidating. I remember many times as a seeker/non-believer and even as a new believer, standing in church watching corporate worship take place feeling disconnected and intimidated. This series of posts will address some of those issues. How do we worship in a corporate setting (mainly through music)? These are some of the posts I plan on writing...

1. Why does music play such an important role in corporate worship?
2. Themes, lyrics, prayers and exhortations.
3. Postures of worship (head, shoulders, knees and toes).
4. Why should I "go up front" and leave my seat?
5. How to clap at the right place and the right time!

Please take some time to read the posts and I'd love to hear back from you so leave a comment or two! Thanks so much for checking out the blog!
Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What Is Your Political Philosophy?
Take the Quiz!

I think that during this election season it is wise to know our political philosophy. I found this simple yet informative quiz (which won't take long to complete) very helpful in understanding the basics of where I fit on a scale between conservative-liberal, moderate and libertarian-populist. To take the quiz, simply visit...

If you don't want to register just click on the "don't save" button to go directly to the quiz. Your results happen at the end. Check it out! Click Here to Read more!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Song - "I Will Run"

Today I wrote a new song. Its a song about love, about a love that can close any gap, that can travel any distance, that can lift us up when we've fallen down. This song is called "I Will Run" which at first we feel like only we can run towards this kind of "love". Then towards the end it becomes quite clear that the other person (which I see as a loving God) has been the one running towards us all along.

There is nothing that we can do to close the gap between our weakness, our failures and our total disregard to God. It is only because He ran to us that we have been made new. Check out the lyrics ====>

I Will Run
Dave Longstreth -- August 26, 2008

I see you across the way
You’re standing there
Staring right at me
I take a breath
And I begin to breathe
And I start to move
Move across the way

I will run to you, yes I will
I will run, I will run
I will run to you, yes I will
I will run
When I've fallen down
When I've hit the ground
I will run, I will run, I will run
When I'm broken down
And feeling down
I will run

You've seen me on better days
Yet you moved to me while I was unaware
And you called my name
Sorry I did not hear
And I've acted like
Like I was not afraid

I will run to you, yes I will
I will run, I will run
I will run to you, yes I will
I will run
When I've fallen down
When I've hit the ground
I will run, I will run, I will run
When I'm broken down
And feeling down
I will run

I'm tired and I cannot see
That the distance between us
Seems so very long
But in my weaknesses
You have made me strong
And you've closed the gap
You're standing in front of me

You ran to me, yes you did
You ran, you ran
You ran to me, yes you did
You ran
When I fell down, when I hit the ground
You ran, you ran, you ran
I was broken down
I was feeling down
You ran

You ran to me, yes you did
You ran, you ran
You ran to me, yes you did
You ran
When I fell down, when I hit the ground
You ran, you ran, you ran
I was broken down
I was feeling down
You ran
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Questions for a Worship Leader - #5

Q) What things do you love most about church ministry?

A) The thing that I love most about the local church is the opportunity to change our world. Rick Warren says it so clearly… the local church is the only organization that has the volunteers, the resources, the distribution system and the God-given inspiration to change the world. Bill Hybels says that the local church is the hope of the world. I’ve bought into this completely. I think that if we want to see the prayer of Jesus Christ come to fruition, that is “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” then the local church has to realize why it has been established – to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We are the church, the body of Jesus and we’ll be His hands to a world that needs us and His feet to carry the news of personal and social redemption.

Questions for a Worship Leader - BLOG Series Click Here to Read more!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Questions for a Worship Leader - #4

Q) Describe a healthy relationship between senior pastor and worship leader.

A) I think that a healthy relationship between senior pastor and worship leader begins with just that, a relationship. As a worship leader, I want to know and appreciate my senior pastor, even on a personal level. At the same time I want my senior pastor to know and appreciate me on a personal level. After that relationship has been established, the next phase is to earn and build trust. Mutual cooperation and a shared vision are the foundations to that trust. True leaders lead by example and inspiration, not by a position of authority. Once the foundation of mutual trust has been established then both leaders have the opportunity to challenge each other to become better, dream bigger and carry out the call that God has for that congregation. A healthy relationship between senior pastor and worship leader is a shared calling to see God do what only God can do in a community of believers and beyond.

Questions for a Worship Leader - BLOG Series Click Here to Read more!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Questions for a Worship Leader - #3

Q) Describe your understanding of “team” or collaboration” when it comes to worship teams.

A) One of the things that I have always communicated to worship teams that I’ve had the privilege of serving on has been that there are no lone-rangers, no one-man shows and no room for big personalities. Worship is not at all about us – as individuals or as a group – it is always about the One that we worship. Now in this understanding, since we are all worshipers and have been given opportunity to help others connect and relate to God, it is the honor and responsibility of the worship team to foster an atmosphere and demonstrate authentic worship. Every member of the team has an opportunity and responsibility to lead others in worship – not just the “worship leader.” From a musical perspective the same can be conveyed...

...that each person represents a piece of the pie and should allow room for other musicians and vocalists to add to the overall symphony of praise. Finally, sharing in relationship with one another brings it all together. We share in what I consider one of the greatest honors that we have – to join together in seeking the presence of a very living God and to help lead others to that perfect place.

Questions for a Worship Leader - BLOG Series

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Rick Warren Interviews John McCain PT 2

This is part 2 of 2 videos of Rick Warren interviewing Sen. McCain at the Civil Forum on the Presidency at Saddleback Church.

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Rick Warren Interviews John McCain PT 1

This is part 1 of 2 videos of Rick Warren interviewing Sen. McCain at the Civil Forum on the Presidency at Saddleback Church.

Click Here to Read more!

Rick Warren Interviews Barack Obama PT 2

This is part 2 of 2 videos of Rick Warren interviewing Sen. Obama at the Civil Forum on the Presidency at Saddleback Church.

Click Here to Read more!

Rick Warren Interviews Barack Obama PT 1

This is part 1 of 2 videos of Rick Warren interviewing Sen. Obama at the Civil Forum on the Presidency at Saddleback Church.

Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Franciscan Prayer

I know this isn't part of my current blog series but this is just too good to pass up. This came across our devotions this morning - it is a Franciscan prayer and it sums up what I want my prayer to be. Recently put together a campaign of hundreds of churches worldwide called "One Prayer". The essence of the campaign is if you had one prayer what would it be. Well this is a good one for me. Enjoy and be lifted up!

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain in to joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Click Here to Read more!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Questions for a Worship Leader - #2

Q)How would you best summarize your relationship to God?

A)I would say that my relationship with God is authentic, open and real. It has taken me quite some time to unlearn religiosity and learn how to be completely real and authentic not only with God but also in my portrayal of God to others. Obviously I consider myself a work in progress and the more that I learn about God the more I realize how much I don’t know about Him. I view God as personable and fully interested in my daily activities, decisions, relationships, hopes and dreams; yet I also see God as quite mysterious.

It is in that mystery that I find adventure, risk, fulfillment, delight and sometimes even sorrow. Duty has been replaced by friendship, yet the mystery keeps me in proper perspective to continue to “fear God” as the Scriptures command.

Questions for a Worship Leader - BLOG Series

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Questions for a Worship Leader - #1

Q) When did you first realize your desire to lead others in Worship?

A) Worship has always been the lifeblood of my relationship with my Creator. Some of my fondest memories of worshiping have been the times when I would sing praise and worship songs in my bedroom as a teenager and get on my knees before God and just sit in His presence. It was inspiring, it was life-altering, and it was the most effective way that I connected with God as a new follower of Jesus.

It was after this foundation was laid that I began to take this worship that God had put in my heart out from behind closed doors. I started by leading worship with a youth group that I was a part of; from there I began leading worship in our main church services before going to college to begin my worship leading career. Helping others find the place where God can really do some inspiring and life-altering work was and still remains the motivating force behind my taking this gift outside of my small sanctuary of a bedroom into what I hope one day will be the nations.

Questions for a Worship Leader BLOG Series

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New BLOG Series - Questions for a Worship Leader

I am going to begin my first BLOG series titled "Questions for a Worship Leader". In this series I will answer these five questions:

1. When did you first realize your desire to lead others in Worship?

2. How would you best describe your relationship with God?

3. Describe your understanding of “team” or collaboration” when it comes to worship teams.

4. Describe a healthy relationship between senior pastor and worship leader.

5. What things do you love most about church ministry?

Hope to hear from you!

Links -
1. When did you first realize your desire to lead others in Worship?

2. How would you best summarize your relationship to God?

3. Describe your understanding of “team” or collaboration” when it comes to worship teams.

4. Describe a healthy relationship between senior pastor and worship leader.

5. What things do you love most about church ministry?

Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Song - "The Perfect Place"

Please take some time to check out my new song "The Perfect Place" available on my music player at, facebook and my BLOG. Also, if you aren't a 'fan' of my music yet - please help me spread it around the world and sign up to be a fan. It's free, it's easy and it won't inconvenience you one bit. Thanks so much!

To check out the lyrics to my new song (taken from Psalm 25, please read on...

A Song of Psalm 25

Lord, I give my life to you
I will trust in you, my God
Show me every step on the road for me to follow
Lead me by your truth and love

You are God who gave me hope
So every day I'll hope in you
You have shown unfailing love
So lead me to the perfect place

Lord you're good, you do what's right
You've been merciful to me
Every time I've gone astray you have led me back
Teach me how to walk with you

You are God who gave me hope
So every day I'll hope in you
You have shown unfailing love
So lead me to the perfect place

For the honor of your name
Please forgive all that I've done
And when I've fallen down fix my eyes on yours
Pick me up and lead me on

You are God who gave me hope
So every day I'll hope in you
You have shown unfailing love
So lead me to the perfect place

You are God who gave me hope
So every day I'll hope in you
You have shown unfailing love
So lead me to the perfect place
So lead me to the perfect place
Click Here to Read more!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Worship and Missions - Philosophical

You should see my desk right now after being on vacation for three weeks - there are more stacks and piles than I know what to do with. My first step is to throw away as much as I can. But looking around I see a lot of mail, papers, magazine covers, etc. that speak of two different themes, worship and missions. Now remember that my place on the team here at RCC is creative arts and missions pastor - so in my small mind these two worlds work together. Here's how I think that world of worship and the world of missions collide in a big way...

Worship literally means giving worth to the object, deity or person that we worship. Of course as Christians this hopefully means that we ascribe worth or glorify the one who created all things and who knows and loves us best. This should in theory outweigh giving glory to any other person or created thing in our lives. So if we are to truly ascribe worth and give the most glory to the Creator - then we cannot accomplish this on just a few hours a week. This type of worth-ship or worship has to happen with every part of our being (our decisions, desires and actions). This is what I call the life of a worshiper.

Then there is the term and the thought of missions. Missions by its definition of its function in churches is all about reaching the body, community and even the world for Jesus Christ - meeting physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social needs of people. So we assume that being on mission 24/7 is something that is very possible. It is being salt and light, it is being a witness all the time, it is living the life of a Christ-follower.

I think that what happens is that people associate everything that happens in the church to be worship and everything that happens outside the church to be missions. In my opinion this is not the case. Worship happens more outside the church than it does within and missions happens inside the church as well as outside the walls.

So where is the collision? The collision is the sweet spot, it is the best place to be. It is where the sky meets the earth, the beautiful horizon which we'll never actually stand in this lifetime but we are always walking towards it. The sweet spot is where heaven meets earth - and thus our one true mission is born. It is our mission as children of God and followers of Christ to see the glory of our Creator expressed in the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social lives of every person who inhabits this rock.

Do worship and missions go together? Like peanut butter and jelly. Like oreos and milk. Like wine and cheese. That's why everyone should get to do what I get to do. That's why no matter what my title or position on a team will ever be - I will always care about inspiring others to live lives of worship and mission 24/7.
Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Baby Boy!

This week is a very special week. I am happy to announce the birth of my son, Braden Connor Longstreth, weighing in at 9 lbs and 6 oz. He's a big boy and we love him! My 3-year old daughter Kylie just loves him, she's a great big sister! Click Here to Read more!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Strategy Launch

In May we launched the new missions strategy for RCC (really the only one we've ever formally had) which is P.E.A.C.E. You can listen to this strategy in my message (about 35 mins) podcast click here to listen. After I get back from a couple of weeks vacation since our baby boy is about to be born, I will start posting more information on how you can get involved in this strategy and ways that we are making a difference as a local body here in Pgh. Click Here to Read more!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Waiting Army

According to Rick Warren, there are 2 billion people in the world that claim to be followers of Christ. That's quite a large number - about 1/3 of the world's population. Imagine what 1/3 of the world's population could do to fight spiritual emptiness and be a light in dark places? If even the smallest of light can penetrate large dark spaces - what about 1/3 of the world shining their light throughout the darkest reaches of our world

Imagine what 1/3 of the world's population could do to fight corrupt leadership and injustice? When there is such a large number of light carriers - who could stand up against truth and justice by taking advantage of the vulnerable and voiceless? Would that many followers of Christ stand by and allow those in power flex their influence to take advantage of the weak and the helpless?

Imagine what 1/3 of the world's population could do to fight extreme poverty? The fact is that half of the world lives on less than $2/day and we in America (even the poorest in America) are far wealthier than this. Each of us are so blessed and if we collectively fought extreme poverty - we would win. Imagine what 1/3 of the world's population could do to fight pandemic disease? Most of the global killers in developing countries are preventable such as the number one killer of children under age 5 - diarrhea. If 2 billion strong pooled resources we could win the war against HIV/AIDS, malaria, malnutrition, diarrhea - and who knows what else. Imagine what 1/3 of the world's population could do to fight illiteracy and poor education? Countries like Cambodia just don't have enough educated individuals to help bring sustaining stability to their developing nations. 1/3 of the world helping to educate the next generation - I think it's simple mathematics - the odds are in our favor.

The five global giants - it's an earlier post, check it out. The only organization in the world that can make an impact and even eliminate the threat of these giant killers is not the US gov't, the European Union or the United Nations - IT IS THE LOCAL CHURCH! We are an army of 2 billion people sitting in our pews just waiting to be mobilized and fight to eradicate the enemy of our souls, the enemy of humanity. Let our prayer reflect that of Christ's as he taught us to pray by believing - "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." We may have already won the battle in the end (through Christ's return), but we have not yet won it. The battle rages - the enemy devours and sometimes it seems as all we can do is fight to keep evil at bay. Let us unite under one name - the name of Christ - and put an end to this war!
Click Here to Read more!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monthly Informational & Prayer Gathering

Each month we gather to get updates and the latest important information on the missions of Riverside Community Church. We spend time reviewing reports and prayer requests for regional, national and global RCC supported missions. Opportunities to serve in missions are also given at these meetings.

If you have any interest in reaching outside the four walls of our church through community service, national disaster relief efforts or global world-change - then we urge you to come be a part of this monthly gathering. We spend about a half an hour sharing news, updates and upcoming opportunities, answering questions and taking suggestions and then we conclude with a time of focused prayer for each of these areas of mission. This is a casual atmosphere and all are welcome. Please contact Dave Longstreth for more information or just show up at our next gathering.

Where & When
RCC - Room 105
Sunday, January 13th
6:00 - 7:00 PM
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