Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Blog Series: How to Worship Corporately

One thing is certain about corporate worship, it can be both powerful and intimidating. I remember many times as a seeker/non-believer and even as a new believer, standing in church watching corporate worship take place feeling disconnected and intimidated. This series of posts will address some of those issues. How do we worship in a corporate setting (mainly through music)? These are some of the posts I plan on writing...

1. Why does music play such an important role in corporate worship?
2. Themes, lyrics, prayers and exhortations.
3. Postures of worship (head, shoulders, knees and toes).
4. Why should I "go up front" and leave my seat?
5. How to clap at the right place and the right time!

Please take some time to read the posts and I'd love to hear back from you so leave a comment or two! Thanks so much for checking out the blog!

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