Thursday, September 11, 2008

Step Into Africa - A World Vision Event

We will be taking a trip to Sewickley for the WV AIDS Exhibit. We'll meet in the parking lot of RCC Oakmont Campus at 5 and return by 9 on Saturday, Oct 4th. FREE admission however tickets need to be ordered so RSVP to Dave Longstreth.

There are only 36 spots available. Sign up now..


Can you survive the journey of a child?

Come walk in the steps of a child living in an AIDS-affected commuity in Africa. This interactive exhibit features a stirring audio tour combined with captivating photography that will transport you to the heart of Africa. You'll gain a completely new perspective on the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time.

You can invite your friends, family, and neighbors to come see, hear, and experience the life of a child impacted by the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time: AIDS.

Learn more about the step into Africa exhibit by logging on to

If you are interested in volunteer information or becoming more involved, please email

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