Monday, August 31, 2009

Current Chart Scores for My Music on Reverb Nation

My website,, is hosted at Reverb Nation, which is a website started in 2006 that focuses on the independent music industry. If you have not had a chance to check out my website, please take some time to do so...

Everytime someone visits my website, plays my songs, signs up to be a fan or puts a banner/player widget on their site - I get a higher band equity score. Now this can be to/from my website, facebook, myspace or blog! The higher my band equity score rises the higher I go on the Reverb Nation charts.

Currently I was surprised to see these chart scores for my genre of music (Christian/Gospel):

National Christian/Gospel Charts #69
Regional Christian/Gospel Charts #2
Regional Charts (all genres combined) #52

Wow and thank you!! Please keep checking in with me on the blog, leave some feedback and comments because I need your prayers and encouragement these next few months as I take on the huge undertaking of recording my first solo album with all originals. And thank you so much for your support!!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Songs for One Life - The Album

Here are the songs that we have selected (and by we I mean my wife Carrie and I) for the upcoming One Life album (in no particular order):

One Life (Unify)
The Perfect Place
Let Your Kingdom Come
Till One Day
Lead Me On
One Life (Give)
For All You Have Done
I Lift Up Your Name
Under A Bridge
*Untitled (still working on this one)

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Song Arrangements - First Meeting

This morning I had the opportunity to meet with the executive producer again and I found out that I am producing the project and he will be the exec producer and project engineer. All that rhetoric aside, we looked at each song (style, tempo, arrangement) and mapped out some beginning direction in order to put together a thorough price quote. I should have my quote at next Monday morning's meeting with him.

We are looking at a total of 10 songs (all original) which include fast, moderate and slow tempo in differing keys. All are rock style and categorized as praise and worship minus one which will be a ballad.

I also received some of his base pricing quotes to get me started and like I mentioned before - this will be quite an undertaking both financially and energy required. But I am excited to see where God leads and how this will all unfold. Please keep the project in your prayers!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meeting the Executive Producer

This week I had the chance to revisit with the executive producer and project engineer and his assistant that I've selected to record my album. Nothing is set in stone yet. Next week (Monday morning) I will meet with him and we will go over the album song by song and talk about arrangements so that he can provide me with a quote for studio musicians, studio recording time, post production and mastering.

After I receive this quote I will have a lot of prayer going on because it will be a big decision to sign the contract and start the process. I will definitely need to raise funds through donations and investors. I could do the album much cheaper somewhere else but the quality would not compare, and the experience and credentials that this particular executive producer has will be hard to find elsewhere.

Please keep my upcoming meeting in your prayers as I prepare my songs and talk about money.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Life - The Album

Well I have had a dream in my heart for about ten years now and that is to make a very high quality full length solo album. This will be my first solo album of all original songs that I have written over the years. The theme and title of the album will be "One Life" and will be about loving God and loving others. The heartbeat of this album will be about God's church being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the least, the last and the lost in our world and in our generation.

I have gone from writing songs, planning the theme, putting together the mission that some proceeds will benefit and am now heading towards the exciting part - signing on with a producer, recording the music, publishing the album and touring to both get the message of my music out to the world as well as raising awareness and support for the selected mission project that this album will be dedicated to.

So please keep me in prayer - it is quite an undertaking and I hope to have a finished project in all of your hands by Christmas! Keep in touch via the blog, facebook and my music site for more info, demos and updates.

Links are: (blog) (facebook) (my music site)

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